Headaches are a common reason to seek Chiropractic care.
There are many types of headaches, what they generally have in common is changes in vasolar constriction or dilation which can originate via a variety of factors.
In the cervical spine the vertebral artery pases thru a hole (foramen) on its way up to the head. Changes in the relationship between the cervical vertebrae will affect this blood flow. Put another way; improper biomechanics of the cervical spinal vertabrae can affect the onset of headaches, as well as the position of the cranium over the neck. due to foward head carriage, slumped and rounded shoulders, muscular neck tension and a hyperkyphotic thoracic spine.
because Chiropractic aims to restores proper range of motion and structural integrity resulting in proper functional relationship between the tissues it helps to aleviate and / or eliminate the headache. In this way your body does not need to send you warning messages by way of symptoms. Makes sense?
Just realize that to continue taking medication, in the form of paiin relievers and muscle relaxants is simply an attempt to cover up the underying problem. To cover up a problem instead of addressing the cause is asking for more trouble down the line. Overuse of medication, especially NSAIDS (non steroidal anti inflammatory) is a common cause and/or contributing factor to liver and kidney damage.
The position of the pelvis can also contribute to the underlying causes of headaches because distortions here create compensatory changes of the cervical spine, these distortions affect the vertebral artery. The body compensates in order to keep the eyes level with the horizon. ( the righting reflex)
In my office I will look at the chief complaint and evaluate the entire body to check where malfunction is occurring. The goal of the Chiropractor is to restore proper function, that is; to fix the cause.
From the Chiclana Chiropractic I invite you to get checked, confident that with proper care you will be happy to see that many things for you clear up, and you can enjoy your life more fully.